Jeff Lucke, CPA, is the founder of Lucke & Associates, with an entrepreneurial background. Jeff has had ownership interests in businesses within several industries including automotive, construction, healthcare, telecommunications, and restaurants, as well as being active in real estate. As an owner of a growing CPA firm and other businesses, he has gained unique insights into the challenges and issues that face other growing businesses that most other CPAs do not have. This kind of knowledge ultimately benefits every one of the firm’s clients. He is very involved with clients and becomes deeply involved in their businesses and helping them succeed. Jeff is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting; his professional affiliations include the AICPA and KSCPA. Jeff currently serves a board member for his community on the Construction Financial Managers Association, the American Diabetes Association, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Cost control takes a total team effort

They say you’ve got to spend money to make money. But that doesn’t mean business owners should accept high operational costs. Cost control is a formal management technique through which you evaluate operations and isolate activities with excessive expenses. It forces you to ask tough questions about the efficiency of your business, how much you’re…

Manage health benefits costs with a multipronged approach

For business owners, it may seem impossible to control health care benefits costs. The trick is taking a multipronged approach. For example, don’t rely on vendor-provided communications: Actively interact with employees. Use metrics to analyze benefits utilization and identify utilization gaps where you may be losing money. Engage an outside expert to conduct an ROI…

Blockchain may soon drive business worldwide

“Blockchain” may sound like something that goes on your car, but it’s actually a digitally distributed ledger typically shared on a peer-to-peer network. Entries are stored in blocks, with each block containing a timestamp and providing a link to the previous block. Nothing can be altered without changing every block under the approval of most…