Jeff Lucke, CPA, is the founder of Lucke & Associates, with an entrepreneurial background. Jeff has had ownership interests in businesses within several industries including automotive, construction, healthcare, telecommunications, and restaurants, as well as being active in real estate. As an owner of a growing CPA firm and other businesses, he has gained unique insights into the challenges and issues that face other growing businesses that most other CPAs do not have. This kind of knowledge ultimately benefits every one of the firm’s clients. He is very involved with clients and becomes deeply involved in their businesses and helping them succeed. Jeff is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting; his professional affiliations include the AICPA and KSCPA. Jeff currently serves a board member for his community on the Construction Financial Managers Association, the American Diabetes Association, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Your 2017 tax return may be your last chance to take the “manufacturers’ deduction”

While many provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will save businesses tax, one break it eliminates is the Section 199 deduction. Often referred to as the “manufacturers’ deduction,” this potentially valuable break, when available, can also be claimed by eligible construction, engineering, architecture, computer software production and agricultural processing businesses. Under the…

Big data strategies for every business

“Big data” generally refers to any large set of electronic information that can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns and relationships. It can help businesses better define and predict customer behavior when it comes to buying trends and sought-after products or services. For example, by overlaying large proprietary consumer-behavior data sets over your customer database,…

Not necessarily a luxury: Outsourcing

In today’s increasingly specialized economy, outsourcing has become common. Engaging outside help could cut in-house management expenses by reducing overhead, staffing and training costs. Outsourcing also frees up employees’ time for core tasks and avails you of the provider’s expertise. But there are risks. Surrendering control of a business function to the wrong vendor could…

The TCJA temporarily expands bonus depreciation

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly enhances bonus depreciation. You might even be able to benefit when you file your 2017 tax return. Generally, for qualified property placed in service between Sept. 28, 2017, and Dec. 31, 2022, the first-year bonus depreciation percentage increases to 100%. In addition, the 100% deduction is allowed…

Find time for strategic planning

Every business owner must find time for strategic planning. Failing to do so can leave you working blindly, in danger of crisis or even ruin because of unforeseen developments. Some experts say a CEO should spend only 50% of his or her time on daily operations, with the other half going to strategizing. But the…

7 steps to choosing a successor for your family business

Many family businesses don’t survive to a third generation. To give your company a fighting chance, carefully choose a successor. Don’t assume your son or daughter is the only candidate. Work with objective outsiders to identify potential successors. Let these individuals work in various capacities for your company, giving each a fair shot at rising…